As a founding member, we are delighted to have obtained Origin Green Gold Membership 2024 for meeting or exceeding our sustainability targets across the areas of Raw Material Sourcing, Manufacturing Processes, Health & Nutrition  and Social Sustainability in our 2023 programme.

We have a great team of Origin Green “champions” across our business, and this is testament to the focus, expertise, and passion we have in the business for the climate and sustainability agenda. Already the award has been received very positively across our business and by our customers and stakeholders.

The focus currently may be on the cost of living, but climate change, sustainable nutrition and food on-the-go remain the long-term drivers for consumer behaviour, and we are committed to working with our customers to deliver on these key consumer trends.

Learn more about our All Our Futures sustainability goals, and our target of 46% reduction in scope 1 & 2 GHG emissions and 35% in scope 3 by 2030.