In the run-up to our 40th anniversary of Batch 85, what better way to celebrate than to update and improve our website, taking into account customer feedback and the industry need for easy to access product information on-the-go: Batch85 • Meat Glorious Meat • B2B Suppliers


Choose Batch 85 for almost 40 years of culinary craftmanship, passion, and knowledge in ready-to-eat cooked meat ingredients. Perfect for pizza toppings, sandwich fillings, burger builds, and Mexican inspired menus.

All our products are:

✓ Fully cooked & Ready-to-Eat

✓ Labour saving and easy to prepare

✓ Quick turnaround from ready to order range

✓ Come with our bespoke Food Plus+ brand protection promise


Check out our new and improved Batch 85 website: Batch85 • Meat Glorious Meat • B2B Suppliers

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